You know that you have the silver spoon when you don’t bat an eyelid before shelling out a cool $135,000 for a pair of speakers when you know that if you pushed in another $50,000 you could have got yourself the Ferrari F430! Wilson Audio’s Alexandria X-2 speaker looks “like a cubist Darth Vader” and buyers sometimes have to wait for nine months to get hands-on their piece! Sounds like planning a baby to me! The X-2 is available in fifteen colors, including Ferrari Red, plus the Wilson team will create custom “Sample Match” options in case you’re the fussy-about-colors kind! The Duette speakers are “the most real-world friendly speaker ever built by the company.” They are 18.5″ tall and the look like a cabinet and weigh almost 210 pounds; prices start around $10,950 a pair.
A bit of trivia on the Wilson Audio speakers;
Academy award-winning Sound Mixer, Shawn Murphy (Mystic River, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, Jurassic Park) uses Wilsons on the job. Warner Brothers, Pixar, Disney, and CBS/Sony are all loyal customers, but the bulk of the sales are to audiophiles.