Draw your candy and eat it too with Polaroid’s CandyPlay 3D pen

Making a foray into the world of 3D printing is Polaroid with an exclusive CandyPlay 3D pen. As the name suggests, the invention allows buyers to trace out edible treats of one’s own choice and have them too! Yes, that’s right!

The pen comes in six colors and flavors (strawberry, orange, apple, grape, lemon, and cola) that are all sugar-free and vegan. It also features four free strawberry cartridges. In addition to not using any synthetic materials, the Polaroid CandyPlay 3D Candy Pen is also devoid of filament and plastic.

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The invention works by heating the candy cartridge inside its loading point, after which a red light indicates the pen is heating up, and blue light tells you the pen is ready to use. There are two options for extraction, i.e., manual and automatic, along with a retraction button to turn the pen on and off.

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The pen can be powered using a rechargeable battery that connects with a USB-C cable. Users can further equip traceable stencils or draw out candy shapes of their liking. Polaroid’s CandyPlay 3D pen retails at $50 with an additional $28 for 40 candy cartridges (or around $32 for the multi-flavor 48-pack).

Does fancy drawing edible candy treat for yourself?

[Via: Mens Gear]

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