Not many company strive as hard for perfection in the creation of vodka as Kors Vodka does. Having been on the scene for a century now, the company has launched an exclusive Corporate Gift Service for their clients. The collection service offers three limited edition bottles to choose from, with prices ranging from $12,500 to $24,500. The Vodka is created using a diamond distillation process using water from the Italia Alps and is thereafter stored in handmade crystal bottles with real gold detailing.
Each bottle is then presented in a walnut wood box and wrapped in precious Persian silk. Fo0r a personal touch, customers can have a message engraved on the gold plated included in the box. Kors will deliver the bottle anywhere in the world and buyers get a complementary membership to the Kors Vodka Private VIP Membership Club.
[Available at – Kors Vodka Via – 2luxury2]