The world’s biggest beer stein is up for grabs

Do you love beer? How about drinking a four feet tall beer stein? Well, if you love your beer stein to look like a piece of art and have your friends go “aah!”, this one’s just for you. Now Homer Simpson would rather prefer a crateful of cans than this, but a stylish bar deserves a piece like this beer stein. Weighing around 36 pounds and standing over 4 feet tall, this is the largest beer stein in the world of its type. This one’s available on, originally priced at $8,037.

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The price has been pulled down to $6,027.99, with free shipping included, just for your beer drinking pleasure. The 25% discount is sure to have you itching for your checkbook or debit card. The body of this stein flaunts a painting by Brueghel depicting a wedding scene. This one sure beats that crate of beer cans you have in your refrigerator.

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