Seek bling with every sip you take? Exousía 24K Gold Luxury Water is for teetotalers and the Gold Cuvée wine is for wine buffs. Now even beer drinkers can raise a Midas-touched toast with 24 Carats beer. Ideal for filling up the $50,000 Gold Beer Mug, it is the world’s first beer with flakes of 24-carat gold. This triple fermentation is a golden lager malt and uses 9 and 12 °. Designed and manufactured by the Brasserie du Pays Fleming, the 24 Carat beer is made in the same beer brewed tradition in Flanders. And if you are hunting for a reason to justify the need to consume a gilded beer, the product page states, ‘under the influence of stress, our body emits positive ions and becomes subject to disease. By absorbing a small amount of gold, the body will emit negative ions, making you feel better.’ Also, the gold flakes suspended amid clear pale gold topped with a cream veil offers an exceptional visual treat along with enhanced flavor.
As of yet, the beer sells for 24K on the website and their partners www.pompe -a-www.tireuse