A very chubby dog flew first class on American Airlines

Who says first class are only for the rich and wealthy? Well, interior designer Kari Whitman’s (founder of Ace of Hearts Dog Rescue, California) dog Hank was opportune to be one of the few to experience the refinement and beauty of first class. We hear Hank is Whitman’s support animal and, due to an illness, can only move with the aid of a cart, which explains his weight.

To avoid much chaos, the dog boarded the plane from LAX (Los Angeles Airport) after the last traveller boarded and occupied a seat in the front row of first class with his owner, who’d fittingly so purchased two tickets. The dog spent most of the flight lying on the ground near its seat, and didn’t bark or make noise for the duration of the trip. Of course, onlookers were amazed by both its size and its luxurious cart.

Also read -  This one-of-a-kind airline flies horses in a customized jet and pampers them in first-class luxury. From a chilled cabin to expert caregivers that offer in-flight meals of hay and water buckets to plenty of space for a quick nap, the horses have it all.

“Everyone, both while boarding the plane and on the plane before takeoff, was speculating as to how the dog got so fat,” @madeleinedoux said. “You could legitimately hear hushed whispers of ‘He’s riding first class.'”

[ Via: Mashable ]

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