Who needs flying cars? Dubai will build the world’s first hydrogen-powered flying boat that will glide 3-ft above the waves at 46 mph.

The world’s first hydrogen-powered flying boat will soon be seen zipping across Dubai waters. An agreement was signed between a Switzerland-based startup called THE JET ZeroEmission and Zenith Marine Services from UAE and DWYN LLC to manufacture and operate the hydrogen-powered boat named ‘The Jet’. The announcement showcases Dubai’s commitment to adopt emissions-free, sustainable mobility at a large scale.

The futuristic-looking boat features two hydrogen fuel cells that produce electricity to power electric motors for propulsion. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles produce water as their by-product and are completely free of emissions. As there are no combustion engines involved, the flying boat can operate without any noise.

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Rather than going for a traditional boat design, the creators of The Jet went for a sleek, aerodynamic design that looks like the fuselage of a helicopter with its tail chopped off. The luxurious vessel will have a capacity to accommodate anywhere between 8 to 12 passengers. The Jet measures slightly below 10 meters in length and uses hydrofoils that will help it cruise 3 feet above the surface of the water at speeds up to 40 knots (46mph), which is quite impressive.

“We are pleased to make this announcement from Dubai, and be able to manufacture and launch ‘The Jet’, which is going to be the world’s first boat to sail without noise, waves, or emissions and have the capability of flying 80cm above the waters,” said Alain Thébault, founder of THE JET ZeroEmission. “We look forward to meeting with those interested in this flying boat at the 28th International Climate Summit (COP28 UAE) that will be hosted in the UAE.” The Jet’s inaugural cruise in Dubai is scheduled for November 2023.

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[Via: Khaleej Times]

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