Connoisseurs of cigars need to book a trip to Colorado because the Centennial State is supposedly home to the world’s most expensive cigar. The Ritz-Carlton, Bachelor Gulch’s Bachelors Lounge serves up the much coveted His Majesty’s Reserve Gurkha cigar at the jaw dropping price of $2000 per cigar.
Made in the Dominican Republic, the exclusive cigars feature aged tobacco leaves infused with a full shot of 40-year-old Louis XIII Remy Martin Cognac. The blend also contains an 18-year Connecticut Maduro wrapper with 12-year-old Dominican binder and fillers. The flavor and aroma of these cigars are unforgettable.
The Bachelor’s Lounge speakeasy is a pretty cool place to enjoy your cigars. With its modern but warm décor and selection of fine wines and cigars, it will transport you to the gentleman’s clubs of yore.
[ Via : Robbreport ]