The InterContinental Hotel has joined hands with Vienna’s horse-drawn carriages to deliver food to the elderly

On one side we hear constant horrifying COVID-19 updates, and on the other side, we also hear heartwarming tales of humanity. One such wonderful real-life story in the times of coronavirus comes from Vienna, Austria. The place has always been flanked by tourists to witness its beauty and today the world will see the beauty of the people of Vienna from the comforts of their homes. Vienna’s horse-drawn carriages, or “Fiaker” a staple of street life in the Austrian capital and a popular tourist attraction, have been sidelined by the coronavirus pandemic and are now helping deliver food to the elderly. The InterContinental Hotel has taken this initiative and the hotel’s kitchens have been turning out 200-300 meals a day for senior citizens in the area. The hotel plans to run this particular project until Monday, and after that meals would be distributed to staff at the Rudolfstiftung hospital. The carriage drivers are not alone in this endeavor; car drivers and cyclists also signing up to volunteer.

“Fiaker” driver Christian Gerzabek says, ‘Despite business coming to a standstill, “the horses still have to be moved, they want to get out after the winter,”. InterContinental general director Brigitte Trattner said they wanted to help in any way possible and this seemed like a good idea which has certainly turned out to be a lifeline for the elderly.

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[Via: Traveller]