After the true-crime documentary, The Tinder Swindler on Netflix made waves globally, one would imagine its lead antagonist/protagonist, Simon Leviev, moving to a cave. But standing true to his widely broadcasted shameless disposition Shimon Hayut, aka Mordechai Nisim Tapiro, aka Michael Bilton, is still living life king-size (I wonder whose money). The 31-year-old self-proclaimed ‘Prince of diamonds’ modus Operandi includes swooning ladies with grand romantic gestures like dates in chauffeur-driven cars and trips on private jets.
Instead of laying low, the bogus diamond trader was seen parading in Tel Aviv in a $2600, easy-to-spot-from-the-moon Gucci canvas jacket as he visited a luxury car showroom. This time the object of desire was no moneyed maiden; he was spotted drooling over a Ferrari 296GTB, worth $360,900. The man could probably be window-shopping for his next project. Clearly, he shows no signs of living life, hiding his face, or giving up the lust to buy luxury cars.
Simon Leviev has been posting since out from his jail sentence in Israel, and also enjoying the company of a new girlfriend. He neither seems of a troubled demeanor nor is he keeping a low profile! Israeli model called Polina is dating the criminal despite being wanted across Europe for a string of frauds.