London’s Claridge’s hotel to get a Christmas tree designed by Burberry

While the world may celebrate the spirit of Christmas around a well decorated Christmas tree adorned with little candy canes, gift boxes and the traditional stars and angels, Mayfair’s iconic Claridge’s hotel has decided that regular was just not for them! This year, the Christmas tree at the hotel is to be designed by Burberry’s Chief Creative and Executive officer Christopher Bailey. It would be the sixth year in a row that Claridges went the designer way for their Christmas installation. This year’s installation which is to be unveiled on the 16th of November is definitely going to be tough act to follow for the years to come. We’ll tell you this- it’s definitely got us at the edge of our chairs in excitement!

The tree is said to be a masterpiece of over a 100 umbrellas of gold and silver metallic fabric. Why umbrellas you ask? Well, the design is a metaphor of the playfulness of the season, the British weather and the iconic Burberry trench coat, introduced in 1856. The buck doesn’t stop there; the tree incorporates interactive technology along with Burberry’s innovative style. A thousand lights with motion senses will deck the tree and sparkle approach the tree. This designer marvel coupled with the Burberry-clad bell boys at Claridges, we think our Christmas is definitely made!

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[Via – Vogue]

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