Check out this record busting cocktail made using a whopping 71 ingredients from all the corners of the globe

Cocktail connoisseurs are in for a surprise! In honor of the Commonwealth Games currently taking place in Glasgow, Scottish mixologist Mal Spence from Kelingrove Café has created a stunning cocktail comprised of 71 exotic ingredients sourced from countries all over the globe!

The Commonwealth Cocktail may just be the most complicated cocktail ever created (and you thought making margaritas was tricky!) boasting ingredients selected from the various nations participating in the much anticipated sporting event. The drink took a jaw dropping six months to perfect, and Mal sampled 300 different ingredients to find the perfect flavor combination to capture the spirit of the Commonwealth Games. “To find a recipe that could combine all these different flavors and also taste good was a challenge I couldn’t resist,” Spence said of his daunting task, “It’s been a case of trial and error as many of the combinations of ingredients just didn’t work. I went through over 300 different ingredients before finding the final perfect blend.”

If a trip to Glasgow is on the cards, run over to the Kelingrove Café and order yourself a Commonwealth Cocktail but remember, the cocktail is only available for the duration of the games. You’ll certainly never settle for a Cosmopolitan again!

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Here’s a full list of ingredients used in the drink along with the countries they represent, it’s like a delicious geography lesson!

Botswana: devils claw (genus clerodendrum)
Cameroon: bitter leaf (piper umbellatum)
Ghana: taro (psidium guajava)
Kenya: chives
Lesotho: rosehip
Malawi: cacao (pycreus cyperaceae)
Mauritius: wild raspberry (rubus rosifolius)
Mozambique: cassava
Namibia: prickly pear
Nigeria: utazi leaves
Rwanda: papaya
Seychelles: citronella
Sierra Leone: cashew nut (piassava)
South Africa: roobus
Swaziland: sycamore fig
Tanzania: cloves
Uganda: nakati eggplant
Zambia: sorrel

Belize: dragonfruit
Bermuda: arabica coffee beans
Canada: logan berry
Falkland Islands: bitter cress
Guyana: sugar cane
St. Helena: St. Helena tea plant

Bangladesh: jujubi
Brunei Darussalam: durian fruit
India: mangosteen
Malaysia: galangal
Maldives: pomegranate (annaaru)
Pakistan: saffron
Singapore: rambutan
Sri Lanka: ripe jakfruit

Anguilla: mango
Antigua & Barbuda: tamarind
Bahamas: egg fruit
Barbados: sour cherry
British Virgin Islands: noni
Cayman Islands: sage (salvia caymanensis)
Dominica: guava leaf
Grenada: lemon grass
Jamaica: okra
Montserrat: devil’s horse whip
St. Kitts & Nevis: tamon
St. Lucia: sweet basiI
St. Vincent & The Grenadines: arrowroot
Trinidad & Tobago: tonka bean
Turks & Caicos Islands: sapodilla

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Cyprus: basil-thyme
England: red apple
Gibraltar: maqui berry
Guernsey: blueberries
Isle of Man: new potatoes
Jersey: lavender
Malta: star anise
Northern Ireland: bog rosemary
Scotland: wild Scottish strawberry
Wales: wild cotoneaster

Australia: aniseed myrtle (syzygium anisatum) (gundabluie) (bardi bush)
Cook Islands: custard apple seeds (annona reticulata)
Kiribati: dried coconut meat (copra)
Nauru: pumpkin seeds
New Zealand: manuka honey
Niue: paw paw
Norfolk Island: yam
Papua New Guinea: taro (colocasia esculenta)
Samoa: ladies finger (small, sweet banana)
Solomon Islands: taro leaves
Tonga: avocado (avoka)
Tuvalu: breadfruit
Vanuatu: plantain
Fiji: kava root

Looking for a mixology lesson yourself? Try Spence’s easy DIY version of the recipe with only 5 ingredients!

Ingredients –
50ml blended Scotch whisky
25ml lemon juice
20ml dandelion and burdock cordial
Half a mango

Method –
Slice the fruit and place in a shaker tin, muddle with muffler or flat end of a rolling pin. Add ingredients and ice and shake. Strain into a tall glass with ice and serve.

[Via – Telegraph]

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