Teaching personal finance, budget, and more using memes – These are 9 of the most successful female financial influencers on Instagram

Via Instagram / @herfirst100k Via Instagram / @mrsdowjones Via Instagram / @mrsdowjones

Gone are the days when money matters came under masculine territory. Not only are women making all the moolah, but they are also helping us manage ours. We know many people who earn big bucks and then fail big-time to manage their wealth. We got to admit, big bucks or not, many of us are not financially savvy. As usual, we turned to Instagram, the most influential social media channel that offers so much more than just celebrities, fashion, and dogs, if you know where to look. For those who want to know where to look for help concerning all things money and personal budget management, here is a list of nine Instagram influencers who can help you with that:

Via Instagram – @wisewomanwallet

9. Miss Wise @wisewomanwallet, 66.9k followers
This is one engaging financial influencer right here. From solving a personal financial struggle in front of the world to helping you with yours along the way, makes this a fascinating account to follow. Witness her economic battle as she still has a debt to pay off along with her ups and downs, mistakes, and happy discoveries.

Via Instagram – @coupon_katie

8. Katie Swanson @coupon_katie, 68.8k follower
Money saved is money earned, and no one promotes that saying more than this coupon-crazy mother of two. This certifiably insane couponer is dishing out handy advice about reasonable spending and thrifting, especially useful to moms out there. Follow her to witness how why couponing is actually cool and how to do it right.

Via Instagram – @inspiredbudget

7. Allison Baggerly @inspiredbudget, 121k followers
If a budget expert cant make your life easier, nothing ever will. From building a better future to treating yourself once in a while, with her help on intelligent budgeting, you will get the much-needed boost of confidence and find a mundane activity interesting.

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Via Instagram – @myfabfinance

6.Tonya Rapley @myfabfinance, 192k followers
My Fab Finance was started by Rapley when she barely had any in her hands. Tonya is a strong advocate of freeing women from the shackles of living hand-to-mouth. She promotes reasonable financial decisions, teaches how one can save up and still have time and resources for doing something enjoyable. Life can’t be all work and no play, after all.

5. Haley Sacks @mrsdowjones, 214k followers
Finance is assumed to be one of the dullest and uninteresting topics on the planet. One can’t ignore it is also one of the most significant. Haley Sacks teaches you financial literacy in a relatable and lighthearted way. Follow her Instagram account to become more financially efficient by thrifting, spending mindfully, and building your future wealth step by step.

Via Instagram – @herfirst100k

4. Tori Dunlap @herfirst100k, 340k followers
A candy vending machine business was Tori’s teacher, where she learned the basics of being an entrepreneur. She earned $100.000 when she was 25 and is now a source to gain information on financial independence.

3.Clever Girl Finance @clevergirlfinance, 360k followers
Bola Sokunbi is a professional financial expert and educator who started Clever girl Finances. The CGF team offers women the support and education they need when navigating the complicated world of personal finance while staying within budgets.

Via Instagram / @thebudgetnista

2. Tiffany Aliche @thebudgetnista, 510k followers
Tiffany Aliche is a 41-year-old financial educator and author who belts advice on how to save, get rid of debts and gives general financial advice in an amiable, practical manner. This influencer has undoubtedly made a mark in the world of finance and is quite the celebrity who has appeared on TV shows, in New York Times and Forbes. You can learn more in her soon-to-be-released book, Get Good With Money.

1. The Financial Diet @thefinancialdiet, 769k followers
Today, The Financial Diet is a team of authors comprised of 8 women based in New York, but it started as a humble personal blog by n Chelsea Fagan in 2014. It goes beyond budgeting and covers areas like personal finance through personal stories and professional opinions. The authors aim to let their audience discover the exciting world of personal finance by eliminating the fears allied with finances.

Those without a formal finance qualification can still tap into the industry and explore other opportunities that may prove equally lucrative, if not more. This may be why interest in Forex trading appears to have skyrocketed in recent years, as people are becoming more welcoming of alternative sources of income and investing. Most recently, with 2020 being a difficult year financially for a lot of people, it is no wonder that many are actively looking to learn more about Forex and day trading, which continue to draw interest daily.

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