Of late we have come across several super-tiny homes in London that are selling for staggering prices. This has made me realize just how rich London’s rich population really is, who live in mind-boggling mansions and palatial penthouses. If investing a huge sum of $1.3 million gets you a home in London that’s barely 6 feet wide, then a tiny 74 square foot flat going on sale for $295,000 is certainly not very remarkable. Calling it a micro-flat is a better way of addressing it rather than an apartment as it’s no bigger than ‘two king-sized mattresses laid end to end. The ground-floor apartment in Pimlico, central London, reminds me a lot of Harry Potter’s first accommodation- ‘The Cupboard under the Stairs.’ It was Harry Potter’s room in the Dursley household in Little Whinging, Surrey. I guess the trend of London’s tiny houses goes way back in time. This London apartment consists of a single bed, a tiny bathroom area, and a countertop, a small fridge, and microwave at the foot of the bed serve as the kitchen. The 74 square foot home comes with ‘outdoor access,’ which is a flat roof overlooking a sheer drop at the building’s back.
Chesterton’s Estate Agents and Jackson Stops Estate Agents are putting the place on the market for £3,378 ($4,450) per square foot which is more than double the average price for the area. London’s thinnest home with 1,034 sq ft of internal modern space suddenly seems like a steal even with a width of 6 feet and a price tag of $1.3 million.
[Via: The Sun]