A $1.15M McLaren and Dom Perignon – This is the bottlecap challenge we love

From martial art specialists to influencers to celebrities the bottlecap challenge has taken over the Internet’s frenzy. Like the ice bucket challenge task here also sounds very simple, and it is to kick off the cap of a bottle. While of course keeping the bottle and your leg intact. While there are tons and tons of videos on the Internet there is one from Iskander Utebayev that took our fancy, Shot in the night, the video shows the cork of a glow in the dark Dom Perignon bottle being opened by the wing of a McLaren P1 Hypercar.

No easy task by any means, the overtly talented driver powerslides the multi-million dollar limited hypercar with surgical precision just so that the giant wing hits the cork in the right place for the bubbly to burst out. He has further challenged Lewis Hamilton and Ken Block, lets see if they can up his game.

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