Relive the nostalgia by buying an authentic and restored London Taxi Cab for $40,000

One of the ‘must do’ things when in London is to take a ride in the iconic Hackney cabs around the city center. It’s got a unique character and over the years has made itself a special place in the English history. But if you have a knack for collecting quirky things and for some reason want the black taxi cab be a part of your collection, Hammacher Schlemmer is selling an authentic hackney cab this holiday season. Designed with a high degree of English sensibility, this authentic Hackney carriage plied the streets of London over a quarter of a century ago. The Austin Fairway from the 1980s has been fully restored and fitted with new equipments and modern amenities.

To upgrade it to modern emission standards and give it enough grunt to will allow it to drive at US speed limits, the Fairway has been fitted with a 2.7 liter Nissan Diesel engine which is mated to a 3-speed automatic transmission. Addition of automatic transmission, power steering, and power brakes give the 25 year old carriage reliable performance. It also comes fitted with rich leather fenders, and air conditioning. It is priced at $40,000 and is definitely one of the most usurious item on sale at Hammacher.

[Available at Hammacher]