In celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the iconic Big Bang, Hublot yesterday revealed the Big Bang Unico Full Magic Gold timepiece ahead of its official debut at the 2015 Baselworld that begins next week. With this amazing timepiece, the Swiss watchmaker reiterates its patented Gold alloy named ‘Magic Gold’, which is the world’s only scratch-resistant (1,000 Vickers) gold, certified as 18K and developed by Hublot. Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO of Hublot, said: “The fusion of materials is in Hublot’s DNA. Four years ago, Hublot created Magic Gold, the only scratch-resistant gold in the world. Still today, Hublot is the only brand to offer this material, whose hardness is close to 1,000 Vickers, more than twice that of ‘standard’ 18 carat gold, which only reaches 400 Vickers.”
Magic Gold’ alloy was first introduced by Hublot in November 2011 and the first Hublot Magic Gold watches were presented at Baselworld 2012, in a very limited Big Bang Ferrari edition. This year, the watchmaker will officially reveal the new Hublot Big Bang Unico full Magic Gold watch at the Baselworld. This Gold alloy is a fusion of 24-carat gold and the latest high-tech materials expertise. It can be altered only by diamond. Components made from this material are produced using a complex process: A boron carbide powder is preformed in moulds very similar in shape to that of the finished parts, in this case the watch’s bezel. The pre-formed powder is then hardened at a very high temperature, creating a rigid, porous structure. After this operation, 24K gold alloyed with 3% molten liquid gold is injected under very high pressure with inert gas at a high temperature, allowing the metal to fill the ceramic pores and creating a “fusion” of the two to produce Magic Gold. Hublot Magic Gold watch will be limited to 250 pieces. Price and availability will be announced at Baselworld.
Hublot Big Bang Unico Full Magic Gold revealed; it is the world’s only scratch-resistant gold watch
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Sayan Chakravarty
Sayan Chakravarty, a Senior Writer at Luxurylaunches, brings over 10 years of automotive journalism expertise. He provides insightful coverage of the latest cars and motorcycles across American and European markets, while also highlighting luxury yachts, high-end watches, and gadgets. An authentic automobile aficionado, his commitment shines through in educating readers about the automotive world. When the keyboard rests, Sayan feeds his wanderlust, traversing the world on his motorcycle.