From Brunei to Denmark – Take a look at 7 of the most eligible princes in the world

Adventurous Prince Hamdan and bad boy Felipe are among 7 of the handsome noblemen boasting more than just royal lineage

From the breathtaking outfits to the stunning pageantry, few things are more exciting than a royal wedding. And more royal weddings could be on the horizon given the number of royalty still on the market. Here are a few eligible princes that have us wondering “how are they still single?”

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1. Crown Prince Hamdan of Dubai
When we think of Crown Prince Hamdan, the word that springs to mind is “adventure”. This Dubai royal is always on the go, never shy about showing off his latest thrill-seeking escapade to his 8.3 million Instagram followers.

2. Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein
Nicknamed “Prince Wence”, this prince from Liechtenstein is no stranger to the celebrity spotlight following his three-year relationship with Brazilian supermodel Adriana Lima.
Although he’s less commonly in the tabloids these days, Prince Wence is still a social and highly connected 40-something who, according to Instagram, loves rubbing elbows with various tech billionaires. It’s clear this prince has high standards!

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Felipe Juan Froilán de Todos los Santos de Marichalar y Borbón (Madrid, España, 17 de julio de 1998) es el hijo primogénito de la infanta Elena de Borbón y Grecia(duquesa de Lugo) y Jaime de Marichalar y Sáenz de Tejada -personaje que merece un extenso y profundo #styleicon – (Caballero Divisero Hijodalgo del Ilustre Solar de Tejada). Por vía materna es nieto de los reyes eméritos de España, Juan Carlos I y Sofía de Grecia, y sobrino del actual rey de España Felipe VI. Conocido por todos simplemente como Froilán, se trata del primer nieto de la familia real española en su época post-franquista, y es el cuarto en la linea de sucesión al trono español. Froilán representa a las nuevas generaciones de las familias reales, instituciones aparentemente obsoletas, sin embargo repletas de jóvenes activos, que están siendo educados para ocupar en un futuro cercano, puestos de poder. A pesar de su corta edad, son de sobras conocidos algunos de sus "tropiezos". Podemos recordar su famosa patada a su tía, retransmitida en directo, visto por 25 millones de españoles, en la boda de sus tíos, ahora reyes de España. Esa fue sin duda, una buena carta de presentación de lo que nos esperaba. En 2010 brindó una elegante "peineta" a la prensa. En 2012, con 13 años, se disparó en un pie de forma accidental, tubo que ser intervenido quirurjicamente. En 2013, al parecer, intentó clavar un "pincho moruno" a su primo Pablo, afortunadamente la sangre no llegó al rio. En Baqueria fue fotografiado mientras se peleaba con un "amigo"; poco después se supo que trabajaba (sin cobrar) para la sala de fiestas Joy Eslava, en la que aparentemente vendía caretas de "anonymus". En 2015 intentó junto a un grupo de amigos, vender un Rolex falso en una joyería del barrio de Salamanca, y como guinda, podríamos recordar su famoso "callate puto chino", refiriéndose a un chico de aspecto oriental que le recriminaba que se hubiera saltado la cola de una atracción de feria. Sus salidas de tono, enlazan perfectamente con su su actitud melancólica, y nos recuerda a su antepasado Felipe V (el rey que se creía rana). Froilán es el mejor prototipo de joven de "buena familia" alocado, rebelde y despota que

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3. Felipe Juan Froilán de Marichalar y Borbón of Spain
The eldest son of the stylish Duchess of Lugo, 21-year old Felipe is fourth in line to the Spanish throne. Like bad boys? Then you’ll probably want to get to know Felipe, who is no stranger to controversy. For instance, in 2012 this rambunctious Spanish royal accidentally shot himself in the foot! Although Spanish law forbids minors under the age of 14 from using firearms, this young man got off easy with just a misdemeanour.

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Return of the goonies ⚽️

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4. Prince Mateen of Brunei
From flying on private jets to hanging out at the beach, it’s abundantly clear Prince Mateen of Brunei is living the good life. And it’s no wonder why – his family is worth a reported US$20 billion. Known humbly as just “Mateen”, this Asian royal isn’t afraid to show off his wealth to his 1.1 million Instagram followers. To top it all off, the Brunei royal is super athletic and effortlessly handsome, which may make him the most well-rounded prince left in the dating pool.

5. Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark
That’s right, the 32-year old Prince Philippos is royalty in Greece and Denmark thanks to some complicated family ties. He’s also hard-working and intelligent – and not a fan of the spotlight.

6. Crown Prince Azim of Brunei
Look familiar? Prince Azim is Mateen’s older brother, and he’s fourth in line to the throne in the small nation of Brunei. Although he’s less of a social media phenomenon than his brother, Prince Azim still knows how to have fun. He’s been seen partying with the likes of pop star Mariah Carey and reality star Caitlyn Jenner. Although he’s a bit more mysterious than his brother, one thing is abundantly clear: this 36-year old royal likes to have a good time.

7. Prince Albert Von Thurn Und Taxis
Most royals live lives of fame and fortune, but few rival Prince Albert of Germany, who was a billionaire at the young age of eight years old! But such riches at such a young age didn’t lead this royal to rest on his laurels. He’s instead built a formidable career as a racing car driver, winning the German GT Championship ADAC GT Masters in 2010. Wealthy and talented? Not bad!
It’s clear that these bachelors boast more than just royal lineage. They’re intelligent, personable, and passionate about their hobbies. Which one do you think would make the ultimate Prince Charming?

Note – This story was originally published on SCMP and has been republished on this website

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