My dear Boss, you’re gonna love this one for sure. Any ardent Star War fan (like you) will trade anything in this world to get a room like this. Imagine three separate rooms, one starfield, a life-sized Han Solo, and more for your home theater! That’s exactly what geek couple, Vic Wertz and Lisa Stevens have. They recruited Doug Chiang, the lead designer on “Star Wars: Episode I—The Phantom Menace” and “Star Wars: Episode II—Attack of the Clones.” Three designs later, the couple brought in Mike Dillon and his custom design and fabrication company, Dillon Works, to do the icing on the cake. You can walk into the room and follow the backlit floor to either the left or the right. Both paths take you through automated sliding doors. On the left, there’s a secret door located behind the carbonite Han Solo (from the cliffhanger in “The Empire Strikes Back”). This is the media room for the couple’s extensive audio/video collection.
Roll over for more details on list of equipment……..
This geeky couple used to run the Official Star Wars Fan Club and paid for the whole setup by selling D&D guidebooks and 20-sided dice at their company, Paizo Publishing. And before we go Bellevue, a Wash.-based installation company also deserves the credit as they were responsible for all of the audio and video for this 36-month project.
• CinemaTech Valentino Chairs (10)
• Crestron Theater Remote
• DirecTv HR10-250 HD TiVo
• Extron RGB468XT Gaming Interface
• Extron SW4 RGBHV RGB Switcher
• Lexicon RT-10 Universal DVD Player
• Meridian Audio & Video Cables
• Meridian 800 Reference DVD Player
• Meridian 861 Reference Preamp
• Meridian DSP5500 HC Center Speaker
• Meridian DSP6000 Side & Rear Speakers
• Meridian DSP8000 Front Speakers
• Mid Atlantic AXS Pull-Out Custom Rack
• Pioneer CLD-D704 Laserdisc Player
• Runco VX5 Outboard Processor
• Runco VX5C 3-Chip DLP Projector
• Runco VX5C LT Anamorphic Lens
• Sony SAT-T60 TiVo
• Spaun SMS5802NF HD Multiswitch
• Stewart Velux DeLux ST130 Screen