Here is a chair fit to star in ‘Now You See Me, to be the star of it, in fact! Or any other caper thriller, for that matter! Because what you see is not what you get, but more once you make the discovery. Like a trick of the eye, YOY’s art-meets-furniture piece is an astounding creation of artistry, delivered like a product straight out of interior design fantasy.
It stuns onlookers and on-sitters alike as what looks like an image transforms into a chair even the seated person can find hard to comprehend under her/him. The two-dimensional drawing leans against a wall on an elastic canvas, but its wood-aluminum frame won’t betray the need you make your mind to rest on it. Spotted by Innermost founders Steve Jones and Russell Cameron in Milan at the Satelliti event, Tokyo-based design studio YOY’s is a furniture canvas designed to impress what has bridged the technical and aesthetic gap. That’s what gave the Innermost duo the motivation to launch it in September 2013 at Designjunction.
The surprising specimen of furniture comes in three ‘drawings,’ two different chairs and a sofa that is available to ship from January 2014. For this artwork, though, don’t be too surprised if you see a sign that says- Warning: sit with caution.