The Egyptians must be smiling in their mummies. Finally their feline gods are getting the much-deserved respect they had lost when Tom entered our lives chasing behind Jerry. Not only are millionaires leaving behind wealth for their cats but hotels are accommodating these cunning and sometimes cute (dog person here) creatures, but apparently they are now being used as a source of attraction. Le Bristol Hotel in Paris defied all rules of convention when it welcomes its first ‘playmate’ Fa-Raon. Now, the hotel decided to give him some company and welcomed Kleopatre. She seems obnoxiously proud but is apparently a gentle and serene. This fluffy concierge duo has taken the world of travellers by storm though. Everyone is talking about it and everyone is amused.
Why? Not just because they are cats and are part of a hotel staff but also because they happen to strut around the hallways of one of Paris’ most acclaimed hotels in a bejewelled Goyard collar – an “Oscar” bow-tie collar with a customized silver medal created by Christofle. This will match Fa-Raon’s Oscar tie which was gifted to him last year by Maison Goyard for his third birthday. It doesn’t end there. The catty couple also get to stay in an apartment at the hotel, designed by world-renowned street artist Renk.
Le Bristol is one of eight Masterpiece hotels of the Oetker Collection. It is a 19th century building that became a hotel in 1925. If you want to see the fluffy sweethearts at play or work drop into Le Bristol and enjoy a bit of both worlds – comfort and tradition.
[ Via : Trendhunter ]