Elizabeth Taylor’s make up room trailer from Cleopatra and movie poster up for auction

You would have surely seen the 1963 epic movie Cleopatra and heard of the overwhelming expenses incurred by Twentieth Century Fox and everyone else involved in the movie production. But none of these problems came in the way of making the famous Elizabeth Taylor feel comfortable and at ease on set. A 36-foot dressing trailer was created for her to stay calm and focused between takes. This very trailer that the superstar used will now go up for auction at the ‘Icons of Hollywood’ from December 15th to the 17th, 2011, in Beverly Hills. At the time, it is rumored that about $75,000 was spent on making this trailer comfortable for Miss Taylor. This Aljo trailer was done up with lavender-colored carpeting, hand-painted murals, and ceilings in the bedroom. A custom makeup dresser and vanity, decorative pieces, and furniture, all detailed within crown moldings and mounted on the walls, make this trailer fit for a Queen. It was topped off by silk curtains that separated the bedroom to give exclusive privacy to the actress.

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Another item to be up for sale at this auction is that original Movie poster made by Howard Terpning. This acrylic poster measures approx. 27 ½ in. x 31 ½ shows Elizabeth Taylor seated on a solid gold throne of cats holding the crook & flail of Osiris. The trailer price is estimated at $50,000 – $75,000, while the movie poster is said to fetch anywhere between $60,000 – $80,000.

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