The Louvre is reopening and with social distancing rules visitors may be able to see the Mona Lisa alone

Have you been missing Mona Lisa? Can’t wait to sink into the world of art and artists? Going back into history is not as exciting anywhere else except at the world’s largest art museum and historic monument, the Louvre Museum in Paris. A reason to be ecstatic, the biggest and most visited, 227-year-old institution, the Musée du Louvre, will re-open for the first time in nearly four months. France’s lockdown finally lifted for the Paris region, the museum and its staff are preparing to again welcome visitors on July 6. It goes without saying that the reopening of this historic place will only happen with some strict systems in place, a few new rules in place, and some restrictions. Visitors will have to reserve a time slot to enter when they purchase a ticket online in advance for a specific time. It is obvious that masks are mandatory for ages 11 and above which is followed by a hand cleanse under a gel distributor. For logical reasons, only 70 percent of the 925,000-square-foot museum will be open to the public, the cloakroom will remain closed. Visitors must leave bicycle or motorcycle helmets outside, as well as any suitcases or large sacks. They have also planned entry, exits, and maneuvering inside the museum to the T in order to pull this off without any hiccups; visitors with tickets will have to wait in line at the entrance near the Pyramid while being sure to practice social distancing, Signs will guide gallery-goers in a one-way direction to minimize people crossing paths. Most importantly what are the visitors in for? Is it going to be worth the wait in lines, booking slots, etc? We certainly think so as the venue’s most-visited sections like Greek and Roman antiquities galleries; the Italian, Spanish, and English paintings halls; and the areas devoted to 19th-century French painting will remain open. As a matter of fact, there’s never been a better way to appreciate art than now as with restrictions in place you won’t have to stand on your toes to catch a glimpse of the world-famous ‘The Mona Lisa’. The iconic painting will be open to two visitors at a time for 10-to-15 minute increments.

Our entire world has suffered crippling financial losses during the lockdown and the Louvre was no different. The Louvre has reportedly lost $45 million since its shutdown in March. Ticket sales do make up a large portion of the museum’s income and the last four months completely shut that avenue.

[Via: Artnet]