Blackberry Bold has been the favored one when it comes to decking it up with gold and diamonds. Since the 24kt Gold Blackberry Bold 9000 without diamonds didn’t capture your interest and the Ostrich skin on the this Blackberry Bold put you off, Continental Mobiles are here to woo all with the Diamond Encrusted Blackberry Bold. Exclusively crafted out of 24k yellow gold, the best quality of diamonds adds shimmer to this Smartphone. Inside, the Blackberry packs all the necessary specs like an electronic planner, GPS function, and digital camera. It also supports EDGE and HSDPA networks. Fitted with a WiFi chip, it keeps the user connected with the network always. For £3,000 ($4,800), you too can purchase this diamond-studded Blackberry Bold exclusively from Continental Mobiles. If gold is not your favored metal then opt fora slightly affordable version, with diamonds of course, for £2,200 ($3,500).
Continental Mobiles’ bold offer – Diamond Encrusted Blackberry Bold