Najmat Taiba, the World’s largest ring worth $3 million goes on display

As gold prices continue to soar phenomenally, many worldwide locations are showing off their shiny wares. Take, for instance, Kanz Jewelry, which has put up the world’s largest 21-carat gold ring, weighing 63.856 kg, Deira Gold Souq on display. The Najmat Taiba ring studded with 5.1 kgs of 615 Swarovski stones by Signity Middle East has been manufactured by Taiba for Gold and Jewllery LLC. Saudi Arabia spots the approval of the World Gold Council and the Guinness Book of World Records. The ring has a 2,200mm perimeter, 700mm outer perimeter, 490mm inside diameter, 500mm width of the back of the ring, 250mm width of the ring bottom.

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Anil Dhanak, Managing Director of Kanz, revealed to Emirates 24|7 about how the biggest ring value in the world has been revised thanks to the growing gold prices. What was worth $547,000 in 2000 is well over $3 million today. He added, “This is the world’s biggest gold ring, and we had displayed it on behalf of Taiba, the Saudi Arabian jewelry maker who made this unique piece in 2000 when the gold price was only $250 per ounce. Now the value of gold has gone up to $1,500 per ounce, so you can imagine how much fortune the idle gold ring has brought to its owner.”

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