What-a water! An Irish company is all set to bottle and sell ‘Atlantic Rainwater’

With the number of companies currently producing fit-to-drink bottled rainwater in European markets being zilch, Irish brand ‘Atlantic Rain’ has stepped in to fill this gap. In Ireland, Atlantic fronts bring in up to 60 inches of rain each year to the island’s west. The rain clouds do not cross over any landmass before hitting Ireland, as a result of which, the rainwater is relatively clean.

Atlantic Rain bottled drinking water will have its source in this abundant and clean rainwater, bringing into the market a premium Irish product that provides inimitable taste compared to other bottled water brands.

To help the brand gain ground, Atlantic Rain will incorporate a range of interesting USPs, all of which will come together to create one unified vision, rendering a unique competitive edge to Atlantic Rain. This is a huge window of opportunity, given the fact that there are presently just seven companies producing bottled rainwater worldwide, and not a single one in Europe.

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Atlantic Rain is looking to leverage its unique water collection system, wherein rainwater does not come in contact with the ground, and hence, no ground pollutants are absorbed into it. Once this rainwater is carefully filtered, it will taste great, be naturally chemical-free, and will have no pollutants or additives of any kind. What do you get? Natural, environment-friendly, and delicious bottled (rain) water. The brand plans to market this premium product in sparkling as well as still versions in 250 ML and 750 ML glass bottles.

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Since Ireland receives a sizable amount of rainfall, Atlantic Rain aims to capture this nature’s bounty and offer a first-of-its-kind, intrinsically natural consumable product to the European market. The ultimate objective is to provide a healthy, 100% natural, and tasty table water that is not just fit to be categorized as a premium Irish product but will be ideal for global export as well.

[ Via : Trendhunter ]

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