The world’s first Kids JetBoarder, Sprint surfaces up in Australia

Have you ever heard of JetBoarding? Well, have you ever considered your kid to take up the sport, just for fun? Maybe not, as it does seem unsafe for young ones, but in yet another first in the world, Australian Company JetBoarder makes that possible. Their new model tagged Sprint that debuted at the Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show in Australia is meant for JetBoarding kids aged between 12 and 16. It can hit speeds of 10-15 knots and is not just safe and fun but also easy to workaround. And it is kiddy approved too! Eloise from Southport, the world’s first kid JetBoarder, could stand up in her first attempt. She said, “It is so much easier than I thought, turning is a bit tricky, but that’s the fun; I learn and get better like any other sport.”

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Jet Captain Chris Kanyaro added, “We want to allow kids to enjoy the latest craze taking the world by storm’, in a controlled and safe environment. ‘In fact, the inspiration came from some of our customers who wanted to take their kids JetBoarding. “Safety first is our main priority. There is a myriad of safety features onboard, ensuring kids can operate the JetBoarder in the safest way possible. We were reluctant to make the product available to 12 – 14-Year-Olds., but under strict adult supervision, and operated correctly, The JetBooarder Sprint is a fun, safe new experience for kids to try”.

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