Netflix and Virgin America team up to offer free entertainment at 35,000 feet

Netflix has long since been coming to the rescue of folks who simply can’t live without their regular dose of entertainment. Now, entertainment-hungry travelers in the air will be able to bite into their favorite video content, thanks to a tie-up between Netflix and Virgin America. Passengers will be given full access to the Netflix catalog while flying with Virgin America, for free! This has been made possible due to a connectivity partnership between Virgin America and ViaSat. ViaSat, a global provider of satellite and wireless services, will enable Netflix and Virgin America to provide quicker WiFi access on 10 A320 aircrafts to begin with.

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A move like this works particularly well for travelers on longer flights, who tend to miss out on entertainment. This is also a great way to plug-in and drown out the sound of annoying co-passengers and bawling babies. Users don’t need to really have a Netflix account before using the service in these Virgin America planes. Even a free trial account is good enough to get started! The service will be introduced through June 2016, and will be free till the 2nd of March. Quoting Abby Lunardini, Virgin America vice president of brand marketing and communications, from a article, “These latest generation investments in our WiFi and entertainment platforms allow us to provide the largest breadth of streamed content ever available at 35,000 feet.”

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[ Via : Engadget ]

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