Sharp Electronics has partnered with Pininfarina for a line of TV and audio products inspired by the lines of Italian sports cars

Italian design house Pininfarina, best known for designing some of the most iconic Ferraris, has partnered with Japanese electronics brand Sharp to create a new range of premium televisions and speakers. Showcased for the first time at the ongoing IFA Show in Berlin, the new products exhibit a fine blend iconic Italian design and Japanese cutting edge technology. Sharp’s new Pininfarina home theatre range includes three televisions, a sound bar, an all-in-one hi-fi system, a ‘party speaker’ and a portable Bluetooth speaker, each with their own distinct design. “We know that design plays an important role for customers when it comes to buying a TV or audio product. After all, these products are a central element of their apartments and houses. That’s why, together with Pininfarina, we are pleased to develop a full range of new products that appeal to discerning customers,” said Aslan Khabliev, CEO of SUMC, Sharp’s European subsidiary.

As of now, Sharp and Pininfarina have not given any information on the technical specifications and pricing. They are only using the IFA Show in Berlin to showcase the products and announcing their partnership along with marking Pininfarina’s entry into the consumer electronics market. We have been told that the range will go on sale some time in the first half of 2019. “The strength of Pininfarina lies in the ability, resulting from its experience in different sectors, to have a coherent vision, so that each product is projected in relation to the imaginary of the environment in which it will find its accommodation,” said Paolo Pininfarina, Chairman of the Group. “Working on a whole range of products gives us the opportunity to conceive and create a precise and non-contradictory identity, which represents the real success of this project.”

Also read -  Pininfarina launches Vino Rosso red wine

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Sayan Chakravarty, a Senior Writer at Luxurylaunches, brings over 10 years of automotive journalism expertise. He provides insightful coverage of the latest cars and motorcycles across American and European markets, while also highlighting luxury yachts, high-end watches, and gadgets. An authentic automobile aficionado, his commitment shines through in educating readers about the automotive world. When the keyboard rests, Sayan feeds his wanderlust, traversing the world on his motorcycle.