It’s hard to believe that there are some people out there who don’t quite know the value of Apple products; and I’m not trying to be sarcastic. Here’s a very interesting and recent story that serves as an example – a lady from California decided to clean house after her husband passed away and gave away a whole bunch of things that she deemed was “cluttering up her house.” Among those was a box that contained a treasure unlike anything she could have ever imagined. Within one specific box was a bona fide Apple 1 computer in all its glory!
The unassuming woman merely wanted to de-clutter her home and do her bit for the environment by giving stuff away to a local recycling company called Clean Bay Area. She didn’t even want a tax write off for the stuff. The good folks down the shop took it all and kept it aside for evaluation. A couple of weeks later, when it came time to open up the boxes and get things ready for recycling, the employees of Clean Bay Area were quite surprised to find an first generation Apple 1 computer, which they sold for a whopping $200,000! The best part is, Victor Gichun, vice president for Clean Bay Area, is determined to find the clueless widower and share the wealth; a 50-50 split. Now that’s customer service!
However, it does seem like the company might have actually gotten a lot less for that old legend as Apple 1 devices have been known to go for over $500,000 under the hammer. Back in 2013, an Apple 1 computer handmade by Jobs and Wozniak was expected to go for about $390,000 while others sold for about $240,000.
It just goes to show, one ladies junk is quite certainly another man’s treasure, at least in cases like this. So be weary of what you’re giving away, you never know what kinds of treasures lie at the bottom of old storage boxes.
[Via – Cnet]