Well, some people create a theatre in their homes, and there are people who rely on similar experiences in the comfort of their luxury vehicle. And this just got easier for the Audi lovers. To give a taste of the theatre-in-car experience, the new Audi Q7 will have a 62 speaker system called the Audi Sound Concept project engineered by Peter Gleim from the Infotainment Development section at Audi, Ingolstadt. The system setup consists of a powerful amplifier placed in the luggage compartment and thick cables connected to three PCs. Inside the Q7, the installation consists of 62 speakers, including 5 woofers and 5 tweeters, 52 mid-range speakers placed inside the instrument panel under the windshield, inside roof pillars, and doors. The remaining five units are incorporated with the door sills.
In the testing stages, the Q7 “rolling hi-fi studio” project is based on the wave field synthesis principle developed in tandem with the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology (IDMT) Ilmenau for the past 5 years.