An air-conditioned hutch worth more than $15,000 for pet rabbits

You have probably heard of the crazy amounts people spend on grooming their pets but have you heard of a hutch that costs £10,000 ($15,700)? A Norfolk couple – Jason Batterbee, 41, and wife Mairi, 37, who obviously dote on their pet rabbits, have built them a hutch complete with air conditioning and CCTV cameras so they can watch them while away on holiday. And what is even more awe-worthy is that Jason, an electrical and mechanical engineer, spent nine months constructing the two-story pine and stainless steel hutch with a staircase himself.

Fitted on a log cabin, the hutch measures 7ft 6ins long, 4ft high, and 3ft deep and is made with interlocking timbers with a felted roof covered in red cedar shingles. The materials cost the duet £1,000 and counting labor hours; the hutch evens down to £10,000.
Now how this entire system works is simple. The works are powered by a 12-volt battery connected to the mains, meaning the weather-proof shutter, LED lights, air-conditioning fan, and CCTV cameras. Whenever the couple misses Hunnie, a female Continental Giant, and Ronnie – a male cross-breed, they log onto their smartphones and easily check on their pets with live footage streamed via the internet.
Jason tells about how it works, “I now have three cameras pointed into the hutch and one pointed out to check the weather, so we can see just what’s going on. The cameras even have an infra-red facility so we can check on them after dark.”