Louis Vuitton window is swarmed with golden bees dripping dazzling honey

Everyone loves Louis Vuitton – who doesn’t? And the brand has reasons to be admired by billions around the world because it always surprises its fans. This little stunt at the South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, California, for instance. Customers flocking into this complex were awestruck with the kind of thought, creativity, and brilliance of its theme. Dripping golden honey bursts with golden bees and the Louis Vuitton logo like sun rays. The display featured a product with this set-up around it as though it glowed, quite literally! Bags, scarves, belts – you name it! It attracted mall-goers like bees to honey. Oh well, that was the point!

Also read -  Louis Vuitton Chinoiserie Fan and Minaudières raise the fashion-fever in 2011


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