Have a fetish for designer bags? Completely dote on them the minute you set your eyes on them? But don’t have the moolah to support this expensive penchant? Then we have just the required dope for you. There are several companies which now offer designer handbags without designer price tags. These include “Bag, Borrow or Steal” in the US, “Be A Fashionista” in the UK, and now “Shoulder Candy” in Canada. Each of these companies rent out designer handbags, so you can stay on top of current trends. Now you can flaunt all your favourite brands without repeating them and it doesn’t even hurt your pocket. You select a bag on their site, they ship it out and when you return it, you can get your next selection.
The collections include over 70 designers, including: Prada, Chanel, Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Cole Hann, and Marc Jaccbs. It just requires you to become a member with the monthly charges starting from around $10. Now that’s measly, considering the amount of attraction you will garner.