A Japanese sushi restaurant owner has paid a whopping $3.1 million for a Bluefin Tuna

Japan as a nation is the largest consumer of Tuna in the world. But little had we known that the country’s obsession with the fish would have its business commune spend millions to procure only single piece of the sea-food variant! However, in a recently held auction, a Japanese tycoon bought a rare and giant bluefin tuna for a whopping $3.1 million!

The fish was purchased by self-proclaimed Japanese “Tuna King” and sushi restaurant owner Kiyoshi Kimura who also broke the previous record (for the most expensive tuna to be sold on auction) of 155 million yen that was set at the 2013 annual New Year’s auction. The bluefin tuna in question weighed at 612 pounds (278 kg) and was sold as part of the New Year’s auction at Tokyo’s Toyosu fish market on Saturday. It was reportedly caught near northern Japan’s Aomori prefecture and is touted as one of the most premium looking variants of its kind as seen in a very long time.

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Commenting on the sale, Kimura (who is also the president of sushi restaurant chain -Sushi-Zanmai), said, “I expected it (the tuna) will be between 30 million and 50 million yen ($276,421 – $460,702), or highest at 60 million yen ($552,843), but it ended up five times more expensive. Oh gosh!” He further added, “The tuna looks so tasty because it’s fat and (looks) very fresh. It is a good tuna. But I think I did too much.” Well, for spending $3.1 million on a single piece of fish, ‘too much’ he certainly did!

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A lawyer with a zeal for writing, Ekta has a deep love for linguistics, travel, and philosophy. Not an adrenalin junkie but likes going on occasional hikes to beat the weekday blues. Her bucket list includes escapades to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Morocco.