Some people have weird pet fetishes, or at least we don’t seem to relate to them. However, for fur and pooch lovers who understand every possible limit of pet love, here’s a delightful new product that you can scratch and sniff onto, for when you miss your four-legged. We are talking about Japanese retailer- Felissimo’s new scratch card that smells just like your pet’s belly! Yup, you heard us right!
Bizarre and wonderful the sniff card presents two scents- that of a cat and the Shibu Inn (a beloved dog breed in Japan). Each of the palm sized note cards carry a cute image of a cat or dog happily exposing their bellies for a good belly rub. On scratching their stomach areas thereon, a special belly scent is emitted for pleasing the olfactory senses of all animal lovers. And mind you, this isn’t some silly gimmick paper note that we are talking about! The scents in the card have been painstakingly perfected after a ton of research and data collation by the brand.
Each of these unique belly rubbing delights come in a pack of seven sheets, each selling for $3.90 , that can currently be purchased from the Felissimo website. The company will also kick start local deliveries and sales on its international website in the time to come. To make the deal even better, Felissimo will send a part of the total revenues to a cat fund, which works for the welfare of animals without owners and provides assistance to foster pet programs. What a sweet sweet deal for animal lover world over!