One of the world’s richest dogs with an inheritance of $12 million is dead

She lived a good life and, after 12 long years, has succumbed to poor health. Hotelier and real estate mogul Leona Helmsley’s beloved canine Trouble has also left for the heavenly abode, joining her owner. Trouble is one of the world’s richest dogs with an inheritance of $12 million at one point but slashed down to $2 million by a wise judge. This Maltese had a fulfilling life and lived in Florida ever since her owner died in 2007. She was looked after by Carl Lekic, the general manager of the Helmsley Sandcastle hotel in Sarasota. Trouble wasn’t buried as Leona wanted in the 12,000-square-foot family mausoleum in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Westchester County but instead cremated, as pets could not be buried in a cemetery.

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Trouble’s life was often quite troublesome with death and kidnapping threats but has otherwise lived a very plush life since she was first bought from a Kennel Club pet shop on Lexington Avenue. May her soul rest in peace.

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