Karl Lagerfeld is synonymous with both fashion and crazy, which makes his self-titled label a must-have for fashion lovers all over the world. He will be creating his first line of watches, which will be showcased during Paris Fashion Week. The line of watches is set to coincide with the label’s store, “World of Karl” on Boulevard Saint-Germain. The six watches will go on sale in February 2013. The collection will be available across 50 stores in North America, Europe, and Asia. They will also be available online; some of the prestigious locations will also include Colette, Galleries Lafayette, Selfridges, and Bloomingdales. The watches have been created in the designer’s quirky image, with stainless steel bracelets, metallic leather straps, pyramid studs, chains, and a silhouette of Karl’s head on the crown. Texan manufacturing powerhouse, Fossil, will produce the watches.
The line of watches will be within the price range of $150 to $595. The watches are set to coincide with the Saint-Germain store’s opening and will span over two floors and cover 2,150 square feet. The store will contain design collections and limited-edition accessories. It will be located at 194 in the famous Rive Gauche shopping district.
Karl Lagerfeld launches new line of watches to coincide with the opening of his new store