Art-O-Meter Judges Art For You

Is it first-class or is it just another run of the mill artwork that you are planning to (buy it and) hang it in your living room? Want to know whether it is the most captivating or repulsive piece of art? But who will judge… everyone has their own tastes and what might not appeal to some could be a must-have piece for someone else. Art-O-Meter is here to help you as it scores works of art based on the ratio of the length of time people spend in front of artwork compared to the total time of the exhibition. The measurements are graphically represented by comments and a 5-star rating system. Without the interaction of a viewer, the Art-O-Meter will register time like a regular clock.

However, when a user enters the area covered by its motion sensor, a second timer is triggered and it will count time as the viewer observes the artwork. Of course, some may say that the time spent in front of a work cannot equate to its quality. But the purpose of art is to provoke, to suggest, to bring in new dimensions……and that is possible only by spending some time inspecting it.