A ridiculously luxurious bathtub that is inspired by bubbles

This is a bathtub. It might look like a tub with a serious attack of the pox, but it is a futuristic bathtub called Newton, by Maison Valentina – known for their luxury bathrooms. White and golden spheres cover the exterior of the tub, which is golden within. This is meant to be a softer version of the brand’s sophisticated version that came in black with black and golden balls. It looks uncomfortable, and those bubbles have an uncanny resemblance to the big, ugly boils on Nanny McPhee’s face. How such products get passed off as fashion and design, I fail to fathom. This piece of fashion costs a whopping $28,965.

Who doesn’t enjoy a dip in a tub? Long, soapy baths to drain away our troubles, and when it happens in a bubbly (inside out) tub … that is the life. Having such inclusion at home, for that kind of price is best to be kept as an indoor bathroom installation art piece. And why not? Why should the washroom be devoid of eccentric pieces of artwork that artists so delicately assemble?

Also read -  Tall Soaking Tub

[Available at Maisonvalentina]

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