12 of the most underrated luxury destinations in the world

If you’ve been thinking of traveling somewhere uncommon yet ritzy, look no further. Whether you’re looking to book your next dream vacation or are simply looking for somewhere to liberate yourself from the daily grind, these 12 luxury destinations will help you free your spirit while giving you total bliss.

Travelling has always comprised of adventures, discovering new and mysterious territories, and being able to share those experiences with the ones you love. Finding the ideal travel destination has always been a challenge, especially due to a limitless amount of options to choose from.
Thus, having a list of top destinations to choose from will help in planning your itinerary so that you don’t fall short of any adventures, whether you’re going for personal, leisure, or business.

12: The Sea-Pines Luxury Islands
Located just off the coast of South Carolina in the USA. This great destination offers a wide array of accommodations such as golf, tennis and recreation, private meetings to even planning a wedding. If you’re ever in the area, it’s definitely worth a visit.

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11: – Namaqualand in South Africa.
Facing the Atlantic Ocean, just west of a small town called Pofadder, this mind-blowing land is filled with colorful and vibrant wild-flowers. For generations, this destination has been praised for what the locals call God’s colors during the year-round lively landscape. If you’re into gardening, this destination can be a true inspiration.

10: The Hotel Schwarzenstein in Italy.
This majestic destination is founded in an upscale mountainous region which is also considered a wellness retreat. If you’re in for the summer, there a series of great outdoor activities that you can enjoy such as hiking, mountain biking, and even golfing. And, if you love skiing or ice climbing, then a winter trip may be ideal for you.

9: Pelican Beach in Belize
This travel site is beautifully located precisely on top of the largest barrier reef in the northern hemisphere. This exclusive site gives you the ability to partake in a multitude of fun and adventurous activities such as snorkeling, kayaking as well as a conveniently located bird sanctuary for you to observe.

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8: Pulau Macan,
Located in Indonesia. This particular destination has a magnificent coral seascape which is surrounded by the expansive Java Sea. If you’re truly looking to make the most out of a getaway, you can paddle off the island to a nearby deserted island covered in palm trees. Arriving at the destination is a trip on its own, where visitors leave Ancol to enjoy a captivating 1.5-hour boat trip towards the Tiger Islands.

7: – the Private Island of Chapwani located in Tanzania.
If you’re a fan of fishing or would like to observe how the local fisherman catches their fare, this is the ideal fit for you. You can also sail around with the fisherman for a private tour or can simply request to go around for an exclusive spice tour. Whatever you decide to do, it’s well worth the trip.

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