One of the most eccentric auctions you can indeed bid for! “I’m selling my right-brain on eBay” quotes Steve Babcock, a creative director in Salt Lake City. Sounds imprudent? Here’s his description on eBay: “You are bidding on the usage of up to ten hours of my right-brain. Said usage will result in no more than five different ideas or concepts designed to solve your marketing problem(s). Concepts will be delivered electronically in PDF form. Steve Babcock is auctioning off 10 hours’ use of his very creative right brain and the current bid is $68 US. The bidding ends June 22.
“While right-brain usage is recommended for advertising/marketing quandaries, it is not limited to such,” reads the listing. “Other possibilities may include, but are not limited to: marital strain, child discipline, drug trafficking, lawn/garden care, interior design, fashion counsel, online dating advice, body grooming, Idaho, pet care, and dietary setbacks.” It’s that kind of biting humor that you’ll be bidding on. The listing adds that “potty and/or crude humor will undoubtedly be exercised in at least one of the five promised concepts.”