The heart wants what it wants- even if it’s preloved and costs higher than the original. Second-hand Hermès bag selling for over $158,000 gives me the idea that timing is as vital as quality. Bags like Hermès, and Chanel, are eternal. Arent these considered lifetime investments? If a lifetime is a long shot, then a couple of years is a given. Unless used recklessly, the preloved bags are as good as new which is why fashionistas wouldn’t mind splurging on them as they would on a new variant. Fashion Network shared The Vestiaire Collective platform sold the Birkin Faubourg bag for a whopping $166,500, much higher than the average price of the luxury label’s legendary model.
The Hermès Birkin bag continues to top every fashionista’s wishlist which catapults its prices even in the second-hand market year after year. The Vestiaire Collective sold another Hermès Birkin bag earlier this year for $118,000. The brand has withheld its position as the ‘it bag’ maker for four decades; the coveted accessory will celebrate its 40th birthday in 2024. Fashion Network reported that per the Vestiaire Collective the average price of a Hermès bag is up 15% in 2022 compared to last year. According to the second-hand platform, searches for Birkin bags have increased by an average of 20% compared to the previous year, and sales peaked in January 2022 with a 40% increase compared to last year.
“Timeless or classic handbags are a safe investment because they never go out of style and never lose their value,” explains Sophie Hersan, head of fashion and co-founder of the platform. “This is not the first time that Vestiaire Collective has sold an extremely rare Hermès, which is a testament to the trust of customers and the quality of the authentication service offered by the platform.”
A few years ago, Luxurylaunches reported, Kabinet Privé the multi-brand luxury retailer specializing in premium labels such as Bulgari, Hermès, and Chanel also went down a similar route. Kabinet Privé X (KPX) featured a remarkable collection of preloved designer handbags from revered luxury brands such as Hermès and Chanel. Their collection included a fine selection of one-of-a-kind runway and limited edition pieces, once carried by the most distinguished private collectors. It’s starting to look a lot like these second-hand platforms selling luxury goods are now looked upon the same way one perceives auction houses.
[Via: FashionNetwork]