To rival LG’s huge 88-inch 8K-resolution OLED TV unveiled yesterday, Samsung has announced at the 2018 IFA show in Berlin that it is going to introduce a whole series of 8K TVs this year. Called the Q900R, the 8K TV will be available in 65-inch, 75-inch, 82-inch and 85-inch sizes. At CES earlier this year, the South Korean company gave us a glimpse at the Q9S 8K TV, which was demonstrated with an ultra-cool feature that uses artificial intelligence to upscale content to 8K. While it was just a concept, the Samsung Q900R will arrive with many of the same features, including a real 8K resolution and AI upscaling.
Dubbed the ‘Quantum Processor 8K’, the Q900R processing engine will drive the 8K AI Upscaling system, which will fill in the void in the absence of native 8K video content. Samsung also claims that the 8K TV will offer the company’s most advanced backlighting system to date, capable of reproducing unprecedented 4000 nit brightness level, along with support for the HDR10+ standard, which can optimize content on the fly. In addition to all these ground-breaking technologies, the Q900R will feature most of Samsung’s current QLED features. There is no word on the pricing as of yet, and it will only be confirmed closer to its arrival in stores, which is expected in October this year.