Porsche Design P’3682 carbon fiber travel humidor

An elegant carbon fiber humidor that is, by theory, not crushable is definitely what you want to use if you’re a cigar aficionado. The limited-edition Porsche Design P’3682 carbon fiber travel humidor is what you need in that case. Porsche Design for long has been creating automotive-inspired luxury lifestyle products for both Porsche owners and fans. With Carbon Fiber taking the fore seat in its design, Porsche Design manages to create extremely elegant objects from writing pieces, to chronograph timepieces.

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The lightweight 300-gram carbon fiber humidor’s interior is made of cedar veneer, making it almost completely crush-proof. This is perfect if you like to smoke your 24 Carat gold-wrapped cigars and don’t want them to be trodden. If you like to store your cigars with great care but also like to protect them from any damage, then we highly suggest picking up this $1,275 humidor while they are in stock.
[Available at: Carbonfibergear]

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